Information on the processing of personal data on the site: www. pursuant to art. 13 of the European Regulation n. 2016/679 – GDPR

Quidrez Srls, as Data Controller (hence also the “Owner”), issues this Privacy Policy in relation to the processing carried out on this website.

The information is to be considered valid only for this website (www. and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via links to which this site refers. The Owner is not to be considered in any way responsible for third-party websites. Please read the relevant information when you consult a third-party website.


Data controller Quidrez Srls, VAT number: 02970740359 with headquarters in Via Terracini 2, 42021 Bibbiano (RE) - Italy. You can contact the Data Controller at the email address


We process your personal data only in the presence of one of the legitimacy bases provided for by the GDPR. In the following table you will find information on purposes, legal bases and data retention terms:

Purpose of the Processing

Data type

Legal basis

Data retention

Browsing the website – ensuring correct functioning and IT security

Browsing data

Legitimate interest of the owner to promote his business through the web channel and to protect users and the site from cyber attacks

We will retain the browsing data for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, and subsequently automatically deleted; as regards cookies, the storage time is indicated in the appropriate lists, where present

Follow up on requests for information/contact and manage communications with the interested party.

Identification data

Contact and address details

Execution of a contract or satisfaction of pre-contractual needs of which the interested party is a party.

The data will be processed for the time strictly necessary to respond to your request for information/contact and to manage communications.

They will subsequently be deleted or used to achieve other purposes indicated in this information.

Use of e-commerce functions

Browsing data

Execution of a contract or satisfaction of pre-contractual needs of which the interested party is a party.

We will retain the browsing data for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, and subsequently automatically deleted; as regards cookies, the storage time is indicated in the appropriate lists, where present

User registration in the reserved area of the website

Identification data

Contact and address details

Other data requested during registration

Execution of a contract or satisfaction of pre-contractual needs of which the interested party is a party.

We will retain data relating to your registration on the Site until your account is deleted.

Acceptance and delivery of the purchase order, provision of the agreed service and/or fulfillment of obligations deriving from the law or from the contract stipulated with the interested party.

Identification data

Contact and address details

Data relating to payment instruments

Other personal data necessary for the correct execution of the service

Execution of a contract or satisfaction of pre-contractual needs of which the interested party is a party.

Legitimate interest of the owner to manage communication with interested parties and satisfy requests forwarded and manage any disputes.

Legal obligations or deriving from regulatory provisions.

Unless otherwise required by law, your data will be processed for the entire duration of the contract and subsequently stored for the ordinary limitation period established by law.

This period is 10 years.

Sending newsletters and periodic communications via e-mail, when the user has specifically requested it through the appropriate online form

Contact and address details

Data concerning purchase habits within the site and related to the services of the owner

User express consent

Your email address and other data required to send the newsletter will be retained until you withdraw your consent or exercise a right of the data subject who prevents the processing (opposition or limitation). Such faculties are exercisable by choosing to no longer receive our newsletter (“unsubscribe”).

You can notify us of your choice of not receiving the newsletter to our contact details or directly within our communications, by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. Following your request unsubscribe sending of the newsletter suspended.

Promotional and marketing activities such as market studies, statistical analyzes and sending promotional or informative material on our products (also via newsletter)

Identification data

Contact details

Browsing data

Data concerning purchase habits within the site and related to the services of the owner

Express consent of the user.

Legitimate interest of the data controller for promotional communications carried out with the method of c.d. Soft Spam (as described in the point in the following section “Type of data processed”)

We will use your data for marketing purposes until you revoke your consent by sending a request to the data controller.

If you sign up for our newsletter we suggest you follow the instructions in the previous point ("unsubscribe”)

Communication and transfer of data to third parties

Identification data

Contact details

Browsing data

Data concerning purchase habits within the site and related to the services of the owner

Express consent of the user.


We will use your data for marketing purposes until you revoke your consent by sending a request to the data controller.


Navigation data: The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

This category of data includes:

-             the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site;

-             the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources;

-             the time of the request;

-             the method used to submit the request to the server;

-             the size of the file obtained in response;

-             the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.),

-             other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment.

These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.

The site may also process data automatically by sending cookies to the user. Cookies are small text strings sent during consultation on the website and, based on their purpose and assumed value, they allow the site and/or third parties to collect data relating to the user. The use of this electronic tool is analytically described through the website's Cookie Policy.

Data communicated by the user: The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of data to this site involves the subsequent acquisition of the contact details of the sender concerned, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data sent spontaneously by the latter. The methods used by the website suitable for collecting personal data and not from third party users are described below.

to)       Contact form

Through the contact form on the website, the user is asked for personal identification data and contact details, as well as other information relating to the specific request of the user concerned. The data is entered and sent spontaneously by the user who wishes to be contacted by the site owner to submit specific requests to the latter. The data collected will be used exclusively to respond to requests forwarded and will be processed further only if a relationship is established between the user and the Data Controller.

b)       Registration in the reserved area

The personal information entered in the registration form for the reserved area is necessary for the creation of the personal profile to access it. The data is entered and sent spontaneously by the user who wishes to access the aforementioned area. All data sent and collected through the reserved area will be used to respond to specific requests from the registered user (e.g. to recover access credentials, information on the Owner's activity, management of the commercial relationship, etc.), as well as to facilitate subsequent commercial relationships with the interested party. Registration is necessary to use the E-Commerce functions on the site.

c)       E-Commerce Portal

Within the site there is an area dedicated to electronic commerce, within which the user can view and possibly purchase products and services provided by the Data Controller. The data will be processed by the Data Controller to respond to specific user requests and to conclude commercial transactions with them. The Data Controller adopts all the necessary security measures to protect the user's data communicated at the time of the transaction, in particular for those connected to the payment instruments used. Subsequently, the user's data will be further processed and stored according to the methods described for ordinary customers in the specific information, available from the Data Controller (exclusively with regard to the processing of personal data).

d)       Newsletter and marketing activities through the processing of data communicated via the site

Through the newsletter service, other channels possibly used by the Owner (social channels, messaging services, etc.) or marketing services and techniques aimed at the development and implementation of its services, it carries out activities to promote the company's activity among users and customers by sending emails or other electronic communications containing commercial and marketing information.

The processing will be carried out in compliance with and within ethical and regulatory limits, without causing damage to the rights and freedoms of the interested parties.

The communication of data for the purposes of providing the newsletter service or other direct and indirect marketing activities is subject to the prior consent of the interested party if the email address or other contact details are collected through the site where, in order to forward the data to the system, it is necessary to tick the option with which you give express consent for this purpose. In the formula for collecting consent it is possible to navigate to this document thanks to the reference to this Extended Information on data processing.

Promotional communications may also be carried out in different ways Soft Spam, in the absence of consent from the interested party, provided that the communications carried out have the following characteristics:

·         carried out by sending e-mail messages to recipients who have already had commercial relationships with Quidrez Srls and who have communicated their email address in this context;

·         the content relates to products or services similar to those already purchased by the recipient or in which he has previously shown interest;

This is without prejudice to the possibility of the interested party to make use of the right to unsubscribe from the mailing list, an action which will suspend the sending of further promotional communications of this kind.

and)       Communication and transfer of data to third parties

Upon obtaining express consent from the interested party, the owner may communicate the personal data collected as part of the relationship to third parties. Such data will consist exclusively of identification and contact data (telephone numbers, e-mail, address, products of interest, etc.)

Such personal data may be communicated and transferred to third party recipients for marketing purposes (promotion of products and services of the third party transferees to the interested parties).

The subjects to whom this information may be communicated are represented by suppliers of products and services and organizers of events (including online) related to the economic activity carried out by Quidrez.

More information on the identity of the recipients who will receive the personal data from time to time will be made available upon request of the interested party by Quidrez

It is the responsibility of the third party who will receive the information communicated by Quidrez to provide adequate information on their processing of personal data and in turn request, where necessary, the express consent of the interested party to continue the processing operations for marketing purposes which they will carry out independently .


The scope of data communication is limited exclusively to subjects qualified as independent data controllers such as police forces, public authorities, supervisory bodies and other public or private subjects who have the right to process your data .

They may therefore be communicated to third parties, previously identified and appointed, where necessary, as data controllers pursuant to art. 28 GDPR belonging to the following categories:

             companies that provide services for the management of the information system and website (e-commerce and payment platforms, website development consultants, etc.);

             studios or companies that provide services in the context of assistance and consultancy relationships (in the IT, accounting/administrative fields, etc.);

             companies that deal with the shipping and transport of goods;

             companies and entities that carry out technical or consultancy services relating to market research, marketing and promotion of our business and products;

             bodies, administrations and public authorities, for the fulfillment of legal obligations connected to the commercial relationship, if evidence of crimes or cyber attacks is found against our system or other users visiting the site or in the context of the management of disputes with the 'interested.

Finally, if explicit consent has been given to carry out this activity, Quidrez may communicate the data provided by the user to third parties, with purposes of promoting the activity of the transferee of the data. These third parties are represented by suppliers of products and services and organizers of events (including online) related to the economic activity carried out by Quidrez.

More information on the subjects who will be able to access the requested personal data will be available at the time of collection or by contacting the Data Controller via the contact details in the document.


The provision of data is mandatory if it is necessary to access and correctly view the website, to manage requests and communication, to provide the service and to fulfill and conclude the contract with the interested party. Failure to provide such data will make it impossible to view the website, manage requests or communication, conclude the contract or perform the agreed service.

In the remaining cases, the provision of data is optional and voluntary on the part of the interested party and, where indicated and necessary, subject to the explicit consent of the user.


We inform you of the existence of your right to ask us for access to your personal data, rectification, cancellation of the same, limitation of the processing of data concerning you, opposition to their processing, data portability where applicable, analytically described and subject to the limitations set out in the articles. from 15 to 22 of the GDPR and to the articles. 2-undecies and 2-duodecies of D.lgs. 196/03 integrated with the amendments made by D.lgs. 101/18 harmonization with the GDPR.

You can exercise your rights and know the third parties to whom the data may be communicated by writing to the e-mail address:

If part of the processing has a legal basis on the consent given by you, the right to revoke it at any time is recognized without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the manifestation of the same previously provided.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority at the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, by sending a certified e-mail message addressed to, through the other contact tools made available by the Guarantor for this purpose or with the competent supervisory authority of another country of the Union.


The Owner reserves the right to modify, update, add or remove parts of this information. Please check back periodically for any changes. In order to facilitate this verification, the information contains an indication of the update date.

Use of the site after the publication of changes will constitute acceptance of the same.

Update date: 05/12/2022