Cookie Policy

This extended information describes in a specific and analytical manner the methods of use of cookies carried out by the site: www., in reference to the processing of personal data of users, as identified or identifiable, who access it.

The information contains all the elements required by the art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 and is prepared in compliance with the General Provision of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data of 10 June 2021 (n° 231).

Data Controller

The data controller is Quidrez Srls - Via Terracini 2, , 42021 Bibbiano (RE) and VAT number: 2970740359, which uses its own designees or external parties specifically appointed as data controllers for the management.

Further information relating to the data processing carried out by the owner of the website is available by consulting the site's Privacy Policy.

The cookies and pixel trackers set by the site during the browsing session may differ based on the browser used, the other cookies already stored and the cache, the accounts authenticated on websites, social networks or third-party search engines. The instruments listed below are detected in the absence of these conditions.

What are Cookies and their purposes

Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by the user send directly to the device used by the user, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user (c.d. first-party cookies). While browsing a site, the user may also receive cookies from different sites or web servers on their device (c.d. third-party cookies); this happens because on the website visited there may be elements such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located. In other words, they are those cookies that are set by a website other than the one you are currently visiting.

Cookies may have a limited duration of a single browsing session on the browser (c.d. session cookies), and in this case they are automatically deactivated when the user closes the browser; or they may have a predetermined expiry date and, in this case, they will remain stored and active on the user's hard disk until that expiry date, continuing to collect information during different browsing sessions on the browser (c.d. long-term or permanent cookies).

Cookies are used for different functions. Some are necessary to allow you to browse the Site and take advantage of its features (c.d. technical cookies).

Others are used to obtain statistical information, in aggregate or non-aggregated form, on the number of users accessing the Site and how the Site is used (c.d. analysis or analytical cookies). These tools can be used by the website even in the absence of express consent from the user, provided that the information collected is used solely to produce aggregate statistics in relation to a single site or groups of sites attributable to the same data controller (first-party analytics). While as regards i third-party analytical cookies, these must provide for the masking of part of the user's IP address, to protect the privacy of the latter.

Others, finally, are used to trace a consumer profile of the user and to display advertisements on the Site that may be interesting, as they are consistent with tastes and consumption (c.d. profiling cookies - marketing). The website will forward these tools exclusively with the express consent given by the user through a cookie management system, which gives the possibility to choose which types of cookies to receive.

To learn more about these different categories of cookies, continue reading this information. Find out how they work and what they are used for, and freely choose whether to consent to their use or prevent it (c.d. Opt-in).


Technical cookies are tools installed to make features available, optimize display, maintain authentication or implement security while browsing the site. Below are the technical cookies forwarded, indicating origin, expiry and function of the tool, as well as any link to the privacy policy relating to the provider of the functionality - script (c.d. Publisher).





Privacy Policy


First part

Session identification cookie, used to maintain information relating to online purchases while browsing the pages of the website.

20 days


First part

Generic session identifier, useful for maintaining the user's status while browsing the site.

Closing the session


N.B.: The expiration of cookies lasting less than one day is referred to as "session closure"


Analysis or analytical cookies are necessary to collect information and statistics relating to navigation and user interactions with the website with the aim of evaluating, improving, optimizing and personalizing the browsing experience. Without the use of these cookies, the site owner will not be able to collect information and feedback regarding navigation useful for improving future experiences. Conversely, these cookies do not have the function of profiling users for the purpose of carrying out advertising campaigns or targeted marketing actions, as the information collected is usually encrypted or anonymized, so that it is not possible to trace the user's identity. Below are the analysis cookies forwarded, indicating the origin, expiry and function of the tool, as well as any link to the privacy policy relating to the provider of the functionality - script (c.d. Publisher).

The site does not use analysis cookies.


Profiling cookies generally have the purpose of keeping track of the user's behavior during navigation, with the aim of creating a user profile according to certain parameters and inserting it into certain homogeneous categories to consequently personalize advertisements, insertions or the results of search engine. Below are the profiling - marketing cookies forwarded, indicating the origin, expiry and function of the tool, as well as any link to the privacy policy relating to the provider of the functionality - script (c.d. Publisher).

The site does not use profiling cookies.

social buttons and widgets

Social buttons are those particular "buttons" on the site that depict social network icons (for example, Facebook and Twitter) and allow users who are browsing to interact directly with the social platforms with a "click".

The site does not use social buttons.

Widgets are spaces in which, through a graphical interface, the user can interact with an application, a program or another website. The use of these interfaces is subject to the conditions and terms of use of the service provided through them, also regarding personal data.

The site does not use widgets.

Pixel tracker

Pixel trackers are tools and technologies useful for offering users engaging and interconnected experiences, composed of small images that are sent to site users when the page loads and subsequently reread to collect navigation information.

Pixel trackers can use the information sent for various purposes, such as sending personalized advertising material, analyzing and collecting statistics regarding users' browsing habits, making services available within the site - such as access to social networks or to comment areas - or for technical and IT security reasons. In most cases the information collected is anonymized or pseudonymized; however, sometimes the data does not undergo such processes, so it can directly identify a specific user.

The use of this technology could slow down the browsing experience and, above all, make the confidentiality of your personal data less certain. There are free and paid services that allow you to collect more information about pixel trackers and manage your preferences in this regard. Below are the pixel trackers used by the website.

The site does not use pixel trackers.

Optional nature of the provision

Many of the provisions of user data made through cookies are optional.

To manage your preferences regarding cookies, depending on the browser used (Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera) you can connect to the website to delete them, or to the direct addresses of the individual browser creators:

Safari, , Chrome, , Firefox, , Internet Explorer, , Edge, , Opera

In managing their preferences regarding cookies, the User can make use of the information and functions provided by EDAA ( or other services of this kind. Through this tool you can manage your preferences regarding a wide range of cookies and other tracking tools.

The interested party is informed that Google provides a tool to set preferences regarding the personalization of the advertisements managed by them, connected to their Google account, through this link:

Some tracking tools will be sent by the website exclusively following the provision of express consent by the user. Consent is collected through a specific short information banner through which the user can customize their preferences on the use of cookies. Finally, the user can access a page dedicated to managing the consent given regarding the sending of cookies by the website.

If you do not wish to be tracked through cookies or similar navigation tracking tools, it is advisable to periodically delete the browsing history, the cache - storage space for the web pages visited, stored in order to load them more quickly in subsequent sessions - and cookies. stored by the browser, or use navigation functions "in disguise” (which provide for the automatic deletion of cookies, session history and browser cache at the end of browsing).

Treatment methods and storage time

Personal data is processed through the use of automated IT devices. The storage time is explained for each cookie in this declaration.

Specific security measures are adopted to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

For information relating to third parties to whom personal data may be communicated and in general on the data processing carried out through the website, it is possible to consult the complete privacy policy in the relevant section.

Rights of interested parties

We inform you of the existence of your right to ask us foraccess to your personal data, of rectification, Of cancellation of the same, of limitation of processing of the data concerning you, of opposition to their treatment, to data portability where applicable, analytically described and subject to the limitations set out in the articles. from 15 to 22 of the GDPR and to the articles. 2-undecies and 2-duodecies of D.lgs. 196/03 integrated with the amendments made by D.lgs. 101/18 harmonization with the GDPR.

You can exercise your rights and know the third parties to whom the data may be communicated by writing to the e-mail address:

If part of the processing has a legal basis on the consent given by you (art. 6, § 1, letter a) you are granted the right to revoke it at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the manifestation of the same previously provided.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority at the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, by sending a certified e-mail message addressed to, , or with the competent supervisory authority of another EU country.

This information was updated on 05/12/2022